An effective assessment of performance in the first instance requires the setting of appropriate Standards. These Standards will change in line with legal and corporate requirements and with community expectations. Standards are intimately linked to both targets and operating procedures.
Performance Standards
A Performance Standard is functionally equivalent to a target in that it defines the minimum performance requirements for that aspect. Once Performance Standards have been established, performance can then be monitored to determine conformance with requirements. Area Inspection check sheets will be aligned with the Standard requirements and any non-conformance remedied through the improvement action tracking system. Providing an objective score for performance in relevant areas enables changes in performance over time to be tracked and provides a basis for benchmarking between areas and even between sites.
Worked Example
The Hydrocarbon Standard requires all drums of hydrocarbons to be stored in a impervious bund. The work area inspection sheet for the Maintenance Workshop includes a prompt asking if all hydrocarbons are stored in a bund. The inspection of the workshop reveals that there is a drum of oil not in the bund. This is a non-conformance with the Standard, which results in a score of 2 out of 5 on checking with the Protocol sheet. A non-conformance triggers the raising of a improvement action form requiring that the drum to be placed within the bund. This form is given to the area supervisor and the action entered on a data-base (perhaps from a carbon copy). When the signed off form returns stating that the action is complete it is entered in the database as complete. Verification that the action has been completed may also take place dependent on the situation. At the end of each month a review of all outstanding actions is undertaken by the management team. Explanations are required for any incomplete actions.