Responsible People: Fred and John
Inside Housekeeping
Aim: To have a consistently clean and tidy workshop.
Controls: Storage space, room to work, everything in a designated place.
- Environmental Incident: Regulatory compliance breaches including inappropriate storage of hydrocarbons and major environmental hazards.
- Non-conformance: Generally dirty and untidy.
- Acceptable: Minimum acceptable standard and legally compliant.
- Good Standard: Area is clean and tidy.
- Excellent: Spotlessly clean and tidy.
Inside Hydrocarbon/Concentrate Spillage
Aim: To have a spotlessly clean workshop floor.
Controls: Oil spill clean-up equipment, oil absorbent, quick-break detergents and floor washing equipment. Appropriate spill trays and oil evacuation systems to minimise spillage onto the floor. Thorough and immediate clean up of spilled oil after maintenance job is complete. Secondary containment of stored hydrocarbons.
- Environmental Incident: Major spillage of oil or concentrate onto workshop floor (i.e. >20 L of oil)
- Non-conformance: Floor remaining oily and/or dirty after completion of maintenance work. Excessively oily or dirty spoon drain or floor.
- Acceptable: Some minor oil staining of floors or dirt but generally ok.
- Good Standard: Only minor oil staining present or small quantities of concentrate.
- Excellent: Spotlessly clean and tidy and with all signage, spill clean-up equipment and information in place.
Outside Hydrocarbon/Concentrate Spillage
Aim: To have no spillage of oil on the ground outside the workshop.
Controls: Appropriate drainage to prevent oil or concentrate spilt in workshop from flowing out onto the ground. Clean floors and spoon drains to prevent trafficking of oils and concentrate out of workshop.
- Environmental Incident: Major spillage of oil or concentrate onto workshop floor (i.e. >20 L of oil)
- Non-conformance: Floor remaining oily and/or dirty after completion of maintenance work, excessively oily or dirty spoon drain or floor, hydrocarbons not stored in bund.
- Acceptable: Some minor oil staining of floors or dirt but generally ok.
- Good Standard: Only minor oil staining present or small quantities of concentrate.
- Excellent: Spotlessly clean and tidy and with all signage, spill clean-up equipment and information in place.
Waste Management
Aim: To ensure all wastes generated from the workshop are disposed of in an appropriate way as defined in the waste management plan.
Controls: Waste management training. Appropriate labelled bins for segregating wastes and in particular hydrocarbon waste. Pick up and delivery system to appropriate disposal area.
- Environmental Incident: Regulatory compliance breaches including regulated wastes (e.g. Oils and chemicals) disposed of with general rubbish.
- Non-conformance: Poor segregation, general rubbish mixed with regulated waste.
- Acceptable: Minimum acceptable standard and legally compliant.
- Good Standard: Good segregation and generally effective delivery system.
- Excellent: Perfect segregation into labeled and colour coded bins and effective pickup and delivery system in place.