This Standard applies to all company employees and contractors.
Bulk Storage Facilities
All storage facilities for bulk hydrocarbon products (including waste products) shall meet Australian Standard AS1940 as a minimum. All bulk fuel and oils and their pipe-work shall be stored above ground to above ground to minimise the risk of undetected leakage. If underground piping is necessary it shall be double contained with leak detection and be pressure tested annually. All tanks more than five years old are required to be pressure tested at two yearly intervals.
Drum Storage
All hydrocarbon storage containers, including 20 L drums, must have impervious secondary containment including whilst being transported on the back of a vehicle.
Fuel Transfer
Secondary containment must be provided at all fuel and oil dispensing points including transfers from mobile equipment.
Vehicle and Workshop Wash-water
All potentially oil contaminated wash-water from wash-pads and workshops floors must be captured and treated prior to discharge to remove oils and greases. Non-solvent (quick break) degreasers shall be used for all cleaning tasks wherever practicable to avoid the creation of untreatable emulsions.
All effluent treatment facilities must be included on maintenance schedules, in order that facilities are maintained in accordance with design and manufacturers standards. A log of maintenance activities must be kept and completed monthly.
Waste Oil Management
Hydrocarbon balances (databases) are required to be prepared for all hydrocarbons on site, including those used by contractors. Balances will record the following at month end:
- volume received;
- volume in storage;
- volume used;
- waste volumes in storage;
- waste volumes shipped off site;
- losses as spillage; and
- incident reference for spillage.
These data will be included in the Environmental Monthly report. Recovery targets will be assessed annually and incrementally increased as appropriate. All hydrocarbon storage and treatment facilities will be inspected by the Environmental Group at least once a month.
All oily waste contractors will be licensed by the DOE and their facilities will be inspected by the Environmental Group to ensure compliance. Contractors are required to provide verification of disposal locations and methods.
Oil filters and other combustible contaminated materials are to be segregated and disposed of in accordance with an approved technique (e.g. licensed contractor or high temperature incineration).
All hydrocarbon spillage, whether on site or in transit to or from the operations, must be reported using the appropriate Chandala environmental incident reporting mechanisms and remedial actions to prevent a recurrence progressed through the improvement action tracking system.